Introduction To Web and HTML


2 min read


server commonly refers to a software or program which provides respose to the request requested over internet.


Apache is a web server

Live Server(a small server)

Before usage of plugins. people used to write html code in notepad. In case if u made any change in the code you need to go to the html file to open or refresh the browser page to see result which is time consuming and irritating so if we use live serve it will continously update the web page infact we can see the page and simultaneously code.

Tags are building blocks in HTML. Infact we can say that these are building blocks of web development. Because these tags in html forms the structure of website.


Here there are some of html tags

  1. h tag (heading tag) SYNTAX OF HEADING TAG

Heading tag is used to write headings. HTML provides 6types of h tags.





->size of these tags decreases from h1 to h6. ->Proper usage of these heading tag will affect SEO. So make use of this tags properly. 2.p tag (paragraph tag ) SYNTAX OF PARAGRAPH TAG .....loremnum...... if u observe in above syntax lorem word is used. use of lorem When ever you want to type a paragraph in p tag it is difficult if u use lorem it will generate the desired number of words in paragraph Imgtag (Image Tag) Website without image is incomplete and is boring just like reading book here is the syntax of image tagπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ src-specifies path to image we can add image path from local address (pc) or we can add image address from web alt-alt specifies alternate text for the image, if in case for some reason image cannot be displayed width-we can set the width of the image height-we can set height of the image as well.